Sunday, 28 August 2016

Initial Ideas for a Short Film Synopsis

For my short film, I potentially want to cover the themes and issues surrounding coming of age and independence.

I find it interesting that from birth we spend each moment of our infant lives with a parent or a guardian, and there is no such thing as being alone or unattended. Essentially, we live the same day as our mothers or fathers in that us, as young children are always by their side.

However, as we grow up, freedom and independence grows to become more so; the details of our lives compared to our parents and guardians become dissimilar in ways that they'd never know what we were doing for the majority of our lives from young adulthood and beyond. 

Even amongst the closest of childhood relationships, parents will never fully understand some of the situations that their children experience from their daily lives as details are often skimmed or forgotten. 

Young adults can often hide things from the parents regarding the details in which they are not around for, as a result of trust and independence. 

This idea is open to covering a variety of different issues faced by young adults such as; bullying/abuse, substance abuse, relationships, mental health and crime. 

This idea is also sure to cover themes of independence, freedom and trust. 

Saturday, 20 August 2016

The Short Film Context Part VI: Exhibition: Online Streaming, Forums and Reviews


Laurence Boyce. 2012. Joy of Six Sees Short Films Get Theatrical Release. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 4th July 2016]

Tim Appelo. 2015. Oscar Nominated Short Films to Get Limited Theatrical Release. [ONLINE] Available at:
[Accessed 4th July 2016]

2013. BAFTA Announces First Ever 'Theatrical' Release for Nominated Short Films. [ONLNE] Available at: [Accessed 4th July 2016]

(n.d) Amazon Prime Video [ONLINE] [Accessed 7th July 2016]

(n.d) MUBI [ONLINE] [Accessed 17th August]

Mike Gruszynski. 2015. YouTube vs. Vimeo, What’s the Difference? [ONLINE] [Accessed 17th August]

(n.d) YouTube [ONLINE] [Accessed 20th August]

(n.d) Vimeo [ONLINE] [Accessed 20th August]

(n.d) Shorts TV [ONLINE] [Accessed 20th August]

(n.d) Short of the Week [ONLINE] [Accessed 20th August]

(n.d) Film of the Month [ONLINE] [Accessed 20th August]

(n.d) The Film Network [ONLINE] [Accessed 20th August]