Monday, 14 November 2016

Synopsis Ending Research

Following feedback from my teacher about my third draft of my synopsis, I found that the first half created enough atmosphere to carry the story through to the bit that I added in the latest draft. The second bit required an ending that created a clearer meaning and was perhaps a little less dull. The main aspect of the new part of this synopsis that I thought was important was the return back to the dress up outfit and the grown up personality that the girl took on as a part of it, in which my teacher agreed on.

However, my teacher suggested that I should bring the caretaker character that I introduced to my latest synopsis into a more central role, and also to challenge the horror genre stereotypes of these types of characters, which would bring the social realism aspect of the film back into the narrative.

I have decided to carry out a small primary qualitative research task in order to gather ideas on how to end my synopsis. I altered it slightly from the third draft so that it ends very open, for people to give a wider range of ideas. I will give each participant in my research the following:

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